Friday, August 19, 2011


The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork. (Psalm 16:1)

While talking to a good friend on the phone we began speaking about this passage from the bible. It got me thinking about fractals and how God designed the Universe in fractals.

A fractal is a design which repeats itself in the larger complete object. Take for example a Nautilus shell. This shell repeats itself in larger and larger versions of the same design.

Recently scientist have theorized the universe looks like a giant brain or neural pathway.

Mulling over this I also reflected on the fact that they downgraded pluto from planet status quite a few years back. That gives us 8 planets. If we go to an atomic scale and compare an atom to the solar system with 8 planets we get something quite striking: Oxygen.

Almost every living organism on the planet Earth breaths oxygen either in or out. In essence our solar system reveals the code of life.

Something else worth noting is the position of our planet in regards to the sun. We are the 3rd planet from our star. The number 3 can be related directly to the Trinity of God; The Father, Holy Spirit and Son. It could therefor be said that not only does our solar system reveal what we need to breathe, but who created us.

Now for those of you who still believe we have 9 planets part of this blog may not convince you of my thought process, but I would like to end with this statement:
Perhaps scientists, even ones who do not believe in God, have unwittingly been revealed a prophecy.


  1. great post. I've often wondered about this and had my inclinations about the synapses of the brain and the construct of the Universe. Interesting how these things are becoming more confirmed.

    "Created in the image of God" begins to take on a whole new meaning in light of this type of information. And I agree. No matter what science states, they are confirming more and more that there is a God and an intelligent mind behind our creation.

  2. Thank you. I appreciate the input, and I want to say you have a very nice blog yourself, and an excellent youtube channel.
